Monday, September 3, 2012

Rasa's Lament

They could not traverse me;
I am an archipelago. 
And they knew not how to fly
and the sea made them sick.

I could not forsake me.
Try as i might, I was cursed with second sight
which showed me the darkness in light
and emptiness in the full.

Someone told me to ride the bull to the mountaintop
There I sat still, and the animal meditated in its own way.
Many moons passed, and finally i strode to the edge to see
this pond spread fifty leagues below me.

"Pond? This is the sea."

Call it what you will, I rolled down the hill
and encountered an old hag with a bag.

"You have done well to come this far!
You have done well to keep your seat.
My masters are the masters of this land
and they have sent you treats!"

She leered and pulled out myriad silly things
many, rattling and shining things.
I trembled, I knew not who operated this ride
I cried,
"Where have you sent the other girls and boys?
And why have you brought me children's toys?"

Its a sick world, sick,sick,sick.

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