Sunday, August 19, 2012

 Chapter III

Rasa skipped off again, behind her shrieked the birds
"Least leave behind your footprints so we can shame them with our words!"

Rasa got tired of skipping after a while: she started walking and went on another mile. A little to the left she observed a clump of trees and beheld a clear pond, clear as dew. Or was it a lake?
And so Rasa plunged in and slowly sank to the bottom of the matter.

There was a boy there.

"Who are you"? The words ran out of her mouth, her eyes saying something else together.

"I am the Prince.
I am the lowly.
Iam the damned,
I am the holy.
My hands are ten knives!
I am the dove
whose wings are murder.
My name is love."

Its a sick world, sick,sick,sick.