Wednesday, August 17, 2011

This is the beginning of something i'm working on. Which is the reason I'm not posting. Feedback appreciated.

“Good morning, Anaadi”.

“Yeah, Good Morning”.

“Do you know why you are here?”


“Johnson is a good friend of yours, isn’t he?”

Well, I don’t know about that. You see, one makes acquaintances during the course of one’s life and Johnson is one of those acquaintances. He has however popped up repeatedly in my varying circles of acquaintance and as a result can be considered, if you like, an enduring acquaintance. But not a good friend.
I wasn’t being completely honest when I said I didn’t know why I was called to this psychologist’s office. This Johnson character is one of the kind of idiots TV sitcoms and movies that don’t seem entirely plausible are based on. I mean if he were given gasoline and a box of matches he would drink the gasoline and not be quite sure what to do with the matches. He has a one-track mind, and the traffic on it is very light. Once his mother told him it was chilly outside, and he ran out with a spoon. He hasn’t bought an electric toothbrush because he isn’t sure if his teeth are AC or DC. But I digress.

Besides being an imbecile, Johnson has the rare knack of doing the most  fruity thing at the most inappropriate time; a dynamite combination to say the very least. I wondered what he had done now.

“What’s he done now?”

“Why do you think he has done something?”

He said it with a somewhat forcedly neutral tone. I saw through it. The mask.

“Why do you think I think he has done something?”, I said, never missing a step.

“Have a seat. A couple more people should be joining us”.

Its a sick world, sick,sick,sick.


  1. n i wish u could c my standing ovation!! proud of u!!!

  2. A very nice storyline
    in fact nice is an understatement
    it was marvelous
    you have the potential to become a very good writer, keep it up and dont stop writing
    i really would like to read more

  3. I'd like to see where this going as well.

  4. That's a catchy start. Should turn into something interesting I suspect.

  5. Write on. I want to read on..

  6. Greatly appreciated. I was out, will post more soon.

  7. Thats some start

  8. To mr. or ms. anonymous who is waiting, this story is not being continued as to divulge what happens next is detrimental to my future plans for the story. i just wanted to know if it is worth pursuing.

    What i'm saying is, I want to make money off this.

    1. Did you write further? Did you publish? Made money?

  9. But trust me, i appreciate that you like it and want more.

  10. Where is the story? Where is the money? As followers, we need to know the first. You are amazing. Do go on. Let's have some good present day writers. U seem to be a young writer, full of fresh energy.

  11. But such long absences from your creative blog will not do you any good. Money will remain elusive.

  12. Money will remain elusive Bongesh! lets see the fictional Johnson come Alive and one day real Johnson will be signing your books.... "baaya"

  13. True. I tried to prostitute myself but i failed. More soon.

  14. With your line of thought every job would be prostition. Maybe you are thinking too much. I failed..... Poor me.... Tis getting little boring. Readers are not really interested to go on self- deprecating trip with you. Your creative journey is much more interesting and pleasing. Want to come aboard...... Please make it interesting.

  15. 'Little Rasa' lines are really good (See you made me regular visitor of your blog).
    Do add on some more chapters...

    Or, are you singing the same boring song ' I have failed...'?
